




学生们走过十大网络彩票平台大全学校的入口, 长岛的一所私立学校, 纽约

新闻 & 视频

GVS家长兼作家Neha Bajaj在自闭症接受月向学生发表讲话

为了纪念自闭症接受月, GVS低年级的学生接受了Neha Bajaj的特别演讲, 一个GVS家长(内特), 二年级),著有 诺亚紧张的一天. The occasion was not just about sharing a story; it was a 庆祝活动 of neurodiversity, 个性, 营造更具包容性的环境.

Bajaj began her presentation by explaining the process behind her heartwarming book as she guided students through the ins 和 outs of writing, 修改, 和说明, 所有这些都为诺亚的世界带来了生机. 深入她自己的作家之旅, 巴贾吉透露了一个秘密:她是一个狂热的读者, 就像她之前的许多学生一样.

正如巴贾吉读到的 诺亚紧张的一天 aloud, she painted a vivid picture of some of the challenges faced by individuals with autism. 透过诺亚的眼睛, 学生们开始明白了充满感官负荷的全球最大彩票网站排名, 社会的复杂性, 以及影响他日常全球最大彩票网站排名的深刻情感. Bajaj explained how Noah's story isn't just about autism; it's about underst和ing 和 embracing differences, 在我们的社区中培养同理心.

故事的核心是诺亚的自我发现之旅. 当他在强烈的情感和感官体验中航行时, 他学会了欣赏他和他的兄弟之间独特的纽带, 肖恩, 谁面临着类似的困难. 通过他们的联系, 读者见证了接受的力量, 同情, 还有家人坚定不移的支持.



哈里斯剧院充满了对二年级演出的期待 彩虹乌鸦—a Lenape Native American legend that tells the story of a crow with brilliantly colored feathers who 牺牲s his beauty to bring warmth 和 light back to his freezing, 黑暗的世界. 

Directed by music teacher Jess Beja 和 supported by the creative talents of art teacher Brigid Coffey 和 music director Kayla Sorenson, 这是一场神奇的自然之旅.

校长博士. 杰西·多尔蒂用鼓励的话语定下了基调, praising the students' collaborative spirit 和 their dedication to portraying characters with finesse. 当年轻演员们各就各位时, their faces lit up with smiles 和 their enthusiasm was palpable in the waves exchanged with the audience.

科菲娴熟的布景设计将观众带入了大自然的中心, 为这个传奇故事奠定了完美的背景. 伴随着索伦森的钢琴天赋, 学生们打扮成故事中的生物,兴致勃勃地唱着歌, 用抓住故事精髓的旋律填满剧院. 

From playful Mice to Sky Spirits crowned with rays of sunshine to Crows adorned with rainbow-feather boas, 每个孩子都体现了他们的性格,并带着骄傲和自信讲述了他们的台词. 通过乌鸦的旅程, 无私的主题, 牺牲, 社区和环境的重要性引起了深刻的共鸣, 给所有观众留下了深刻的印象.

随着《十大网络彩票平台大全》的最后一个音符逐渐消失在雷鸣般的掌声中, 这清楚地证明了学生们的努力和奉献精神. 

Additional thanks goes to Head of 较低的学校 Heather Wagner; our 2nd Grade team: Lisa Del Prete, 克里斯蒂娜龚, Takesha格雷厄姆, 和 Helen Yu-Holguin; our technology extraordinaire Danielle Maggi; the music 和 art departments; photographer 和 videographer Chloe Johnson; 和 all of the enthusiastic attendees in the audience.


GVS parent William 邓 spoke to Upper School students about his role as Head of Corporate Strategy at the National Football League (NFL), offering a captivating glimpse into the inner workings of the renowned sports organization. 

邓, 马歇尔(学前班)和怀亚特(二年级)的父亲, kicked off his presentation with an exclusive peek into a video produced annually by NFL Films, taking students on a journey through the exhilarating highlights of this past football season. 当屏幕上展示比赛实况时,学生们都坐到了座位的边缘, 一路走来收获了一些明显的“哦”和“啊”.

更深入, 邓分享了他对NFL精英世界的见解, explaining the rigorous process of actually securing a spot on an NFL roster as a player, 0完成的壮举.0.005%的有希望的人. 带着一点幽默, 他打趣地说, "如果你想加入NFL, 走我的路可能是最简单的路线."

但邓的道路并非没有曲折, 把他的旅程比作谢丽尔·克罗的《十大网络彩票平台大全》." Prior to assuming his current role in 2023, 邓 spent eight years in the NFL’s Media Strategy & 业务开发组,领导各种媒体合作. With a background in finance 和 strategy from esteemed institutions such as Goldman Sachs, 国际品牌集团, 和克林顿基金会, 邓的学历是B。.S. in Economics from The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania 和 an MBA from the MIT Sloan School of Management.

深入研究引人入胜的统计数据, 邓揭示了足球是美国人最喜欢的运动, 俘获了70%人口的心, with NFL programming ranking 93rd among the top 100 programs—和 continuing to grow globally. Also on the rise, is the NFL's Flag Football League, now a part of the LA Olympics in 2028.

突出了NFL每年200亿美元的媒体收入, 门票销售, 事件, 商品, 和赞助, 邓 offered students a glimpse into the multitude of career opportunities within the NFL, 生成策略, 内容制作, 法律, 及以后.

专注于他作为企业战略主管的角色, 邓简化了“战略”这个词,将其定义为设定目标, 然后制定一个计划来实现这个目标. 他的具体职责包括确定趋势, 围绕长期增长潜力设定目标, 确保每个人都能完成任务,一起工作. 从提高游戏安全性和兴奋性到吸引下一代粉丝, 邓的战略眼光涵盖了NFL运营的方方面面.

在关闭, 邓在人际关系的力量方面给了我宝贵的建议, 弹性, 和自我发现, 鼓励学生把失败当作通往成功的垫脚石. “Always listen, work hard, learn your strengths, 和 don't be afraid to fail 和 try again.”

他的话在空气中萦绕, students departed with newfound inspiration 和 a deeper underst和ing of the NFL's inner workings.



健身房似乎活跃起来了, 像各种形状的书一样, 大小, 流派在表格中排列, 它们五颜六色的封面吸引着好奇的人去探索. 学生 from Pre-Nursery to 8th Grade entered the Book Fair 和 their eyes lit up with excitement at the sight of so many books waiting to be discovered.  

Throughout the week, students browsed the aisles, eager to find their next favorite read. 书展在祖父母馆以盛大的压轴收尾 & Friends Day—as the students enjoyed one last go-around to take home their literary treasures.

衷心感谢所有志愿者, 尤其是联合主席苏西·安德森和玛丽亚·勒斯蒂格, 是谁努力工作以确保一切顺利进行. 

The Book Fair at Green Vale was is more than just a chance to buy books—it is an opportunity to foster a love of reading 和 discover new stories. 这周末之前, students left the Book Fair with arms full of books 和 hearts full of excitement for the adventures that awaited them within the pages.

世代团结:十大网络彩票平台大全的祖父母 & 朋友节庆祝活动

格林维尔的祖父母 & Friends Day is a cherished occasion where the school community comes together to celebrate the bond between generations 和 the enduring 朋友hips that enrich our students' lives.

星期五早上, 4月12日, 家庭, 朋友, 亲人们聚集在校园里, 迎接我的是学生们热情的微笑, 老师, 和工作人员. 一整天, classrooms buzzed with activity as students eagerly shared their latest projects 和 school experiences with their special guests. 

从丰富多彩的艺术展览到动手数学课程, each classroom offered a glimpse into the vibrant learning environment that defines Green Vale. 书展更增添了人们的兴奋, 为所有年龄的图书爱好者提供了一个发现新的文学瑰宝的机会.

当活动接近尾声时, gratitude filled the air as thanks were extended to all who had contributed to its success. 从敬业的老师到勤奋的员工, 很明显,团队合作让所有参与者都难忘了这一天.

展望未来, 有一种对未来的期待, 充满了更多的联系时刻, 庆祝活动, 分享快乐. 爷爷奶奶 & 朋友节不仅让我们走到了一起, it reaffirmed the bonds that bound us as a community 和 filled our hearts with gratitude for the love 和 support that surrounds us each 和 every day.